When two people "connect" the bond between them can be so pure and simple as to stir hearts in heaven. When they connect in all the right places at all the wrong times, heaven weeps for broken hearts. To heal these broken hearts, heaven breaks time...
Yes, I'm obsessed with Grey's Anatomy...so what? Will & Grace is over and I needed to find a new favorite show.
I'm two months and thirteen days away from my 20th birthday...that's like a fifth of a century...I'm old...I hate getting old...another thing I hate is people...not everyone, just those freaks in my messenger list. And I don't really hate them, I hate what they do! They IM me and when they see I'm typing, they log off...SO annoying. I should cleanse that contact list...I have *checks* 134 contacts - whoopee!- I didn't even know I knew that many people...some of them I don't know them personaly, they are like cousins or friends of my friends...I even have an old teacher there!
I hate this weather too, it's like 70°F...I should move to Alaska, they have polar bears too and they are SO cute! ^.^...that was gay.
I dunno why i'm so "PMSish"© today...maybe it's because my fall schedule is so messed up! The worst part is that i'm afraid to touch it, at least for now...
And what blog entry would be complete without an allusion to my jor?...
Mi nombre de ahora en adelante es Shu-Shu Fontana!...larga historia, y la verdad...nadie la va a entender =(...Pero igual me da risa ^.^
Hoy comenze clases otra vez y todo fue bien...los maestros son "cool" y las clases estan faciles. El unico problema fue a la hora de comprar los libros >.<
Habia una linea enoooorme!...de todas formas me quede a comprarlos porque no me iba a regresar con todo ese dinero...osea hello, vivo en Oakland ^.^
Que mas?...Oh si! si! si! Cambie el mp3 player...el antiguo era muy simple y este es mas versatil...hehehe...solo tengo que aprender a "tunearlo" y ya!
Tambien encontre un video de la idola de mi mejor amiga...y mia tambien, no lo niego ^.^*bows*
Currently Obsessing over:
The Routine
- friends
- college
- Idols
- people who annoy me
- procrastinating 101
- Bagels
- music
- Pets
- career
- movies
- books
- summer 06
- fuck my life
- tv shows
- Fa"ME"ly
- Grey's Anatomy
- Univison/Telemundo= Evil
- religion
- Coupling
- Laney
- europe
- horror films
- stalker
- Concerts
- Lakeshore
- Sanfran
- Will and Grace
- baking
- lines
- painting
- technology against me
- Uruguay
- VS Fashion Show
- Video Games
- childhood
- turkey
- weird food
- 90's pop
- ATT is evil
- Gadgets
- My dreams are weird
- birds
- carl's jr
- graduation
- soccer
- suckramento